I am running for Mayor because there is too much spending without accountability. There's been a breakdown in communication with citizens not being heard and being disrespected. Going forward, as a viable community trust and confidence must be restored. There are many, many issues that need to be addressed.
These are some of my choices:
- Reestablish communication with residents.
- Set standard guidelines for professional conduct.
- Address wasteful spending.
- Moratorium on non essential spending.
- Establish an ethics committee of citizens.
- One day monthly set aside to listen to citizens concerns.
- Hold officials, employees, and staff accountable for actions.
I would like to see a moratorium on excessive spending and non essential development until the financial status of the City can be determined by an unbiased third party.
I would like to preserve our original downtown Centerville using some of the downtown redevelopment block grant money to "spruce it up" while keeping it's original French Canadian heritage intact.
My priority is to take care to promote the businesses we have now, and fill current vacancies before considering building new structures.
I am committed to our community and propose less restrictive time before all regularly scheduled council meetings for residents to voice their opinions. It's my belief that elected officials are to serve the people, to make responsible decisions for the present and future welfare of our city and not for the people to serve the elected officials and their agendas.
God Bless America!
Go Vikes!
Email: Powers4Centerville@yahoo.com